Bilete The Fool: How to cheat on your husband - Stand-up comedy in English - 16 iun, ora 19:00 - The Fool

The Fool: How to cheat on your husband - Stand-up comedy in English

The Fool, București

duminică, 16 iunie, ora 19:00 acces de la 18:00

Evenimentul s-a încheiat.


Dark & Dirty Jokes on Sex, Love & Cheating. Sold out in over 40 cities, across 14 countries! Book now for jokes on family & therapy, love & sex, marriage, divorce & cheating. Luana loves people in-spite of hating most of them. She loves to idea of a couple breaking up during or after the show. It's a joke, of course. Comedian Luana Matei will make you laugh, rethink your marriage, and act like the anti-Cupid. Come and experience it yourself. !!BE PREPARED!!
— A Cheater’s Guide to Love —
Yes, you can laugh about communism, infidelity, bad sex, parents, ninjas, and sleeping your way around the world in the same show!. Luana's humour is messy and dark, because, well, life is messy & dark. And if she asks you weird questions you can tell her to f$$$ off and ask her questions in return.

Single, married, divorced, in a relationship, situationship or just confused you're welcome to watch the show and get involved!

-Who is Luana? IG: @luanacomedy---
Luana Matei (RO), originally from Romania, she lived in Tokyo for 12 years before getting trapped in Amsterdam during the lockdown.

In 2022/23 she began extensively touring Europe & Asia, having performed in 51 cities across 29 countries, with over 250 packed shows (150+ sold out) entertaining more than 20,000 people. Her comedy is dark, insightful, and deftly encapsulating her experiences living and traveling around the world! She takes vulnerability to another level, pushing the boundaries of "How soon is too soon?"

REVIEWS from past audiences:
"Luana is your friend who always has a story to tell, except her stories are always funny. She did a particular set for the audience on the day that I saw her, mixing up her material. It worked!

Her humour resonates with me and it will resonate with you too: yes, you can laugh about communism and infidelity and bad sex and parents (oh, parents!) and ninjas and sleeping your way around the world. Her humour is messy and dark, because, well, life is messy and dark. Yes, it is her story that she tells, but it is very much your story too.

I smiled all through the show and laughed with my own husband and my friends (I thought appropriate to bring to the show not only my husband but also my best friends, whose wedding I celebrated ;) I’d go again to her shows when she comes to my city!" Gaia

"Invited my partner on our anniversary and it was great! Think of Luana as the Mouth Of Truth and be prepared to hear some truths and laugh at all of them! I have never been asked so openly when was the last time I had sex, or if we cheated on each other (ps yes we did but we fixed it). Anyone in need of a sex talk, give it a try;)" Monika Rimini
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